My Books
The first book covers all my research in the past years about the teeth, mouth, jaws and everything connected in and outside the body. The book gives information about the function, working and selfhealing of teeth, nutrition, cleaning, etc.

There is a lot of info for healers and dentists too. How to see, listen and know the meaning of every tooth, the connection in the body and life. What is the meaning of caries, removing teeth, breaking teeth, gum problems, etc. Open the index for subjects here. So, a lot of info from dentists, science, channels and experience in healing sessions. What is your tooth  question?

 Paperback ISBN: 9789083032344               Ebook ISBN: 9789083032306

The second book covers all my other info I received and/or ex-perienced in my way up to this present moment. It is available as Ebook. Open the actual index with subjects here. ISBN: 9789083032320

The third book(2024) is an additional workbook of Teeth Questions, with many tables and insights collected. For (Self) Healers to use for themselves or their clients. Open the actual index for more info. It will be available as Ebook.  ISBN:9789083032313

 Where to buy?
The books are available on more then 40.000 bookstore websites and many bookshops all over the world. You can use bookfinder to look for your area: